Friday, May 17, 2013

Grand Coulee Dam (Across Washington Part 1)

There's something about having a Jeep that inspires you to explore. Maybe it's not having a Jeep, but rather a curious nature. Wanting to see new things and go places you haven't been before.

We live in western Washington while most of our family lives in eastern Washington. Because of this, we make regular cross state trips to visit them. Many times, we've thrown everything into the car and headed off to see family without a thought given to what we were passing, only the destination in mind and getting there as soon as possible. Only stopping for only gas and food.

But lately we've been inspired to take more time, to stop and enjoy some of the marvels we see along the way.  So on one of our scheduled trips to visit family we took the long way around and through the state with our first planned stop being Grand Coulee Dam. 

Make the jump for more story and pictures

Grand Coulee Dam was built between 1933 and 1942 and in 1976 a third section was added to increase the amount of power it produces. Today it is the largest electricity producing structure in the world and one of the largest concrete structures ever built.

The reservoir behind it is named Lake Roosevelt and extends just shy of the Canada-US border. Not only does the dam produce electricity, but also provides for irrigation for farm land throughout the basin area.

Further upstream from the dam has also become a recreation area for water skiing and houseboats. The water may be cold, but also calm most days and hot in the summer.There are hundreds of miles of shoreline to set up on and very little population along it.

Neither of us had spent time here even though it was not far from our home town, nor even very far off our normal path across the state. It was refreshing to stop along the way without a schedule to make. Our scheduled time to make our destination was "some time tonight".

Emma was most appreciative of the stop. Any chance to run and play. Even perhaps a chance to play with some friendly strangers if the chance arrives.

But really, Emma just wants to be pet and is appreciative of any stop along the way. Such as this one by Lake Lenore. Where we also took some time to wander around admiring the landscape.

As always we've got more pictures for you to enjoy.
Pics of Grand Coulee Dam

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