Thursday, April 25, 2013

Naked in the Sun Part 3 (Tinkham Road)

Now that we've spent most of the day exploring areas we decided to take a drive up Tinkham Road found just off the side of Interstate 90. We stopped along one of the many campsites found along the road to take a break and take a look at the South Fork of the Snoqualmie River before heading up the rest of the way.

Follow the Jump for the rest of the story.

The river was surprising low given the time of year. Normally in spring, this river swells back up into the trees you can see along the rivers edge. This is the South Fork of the Snoqualmie and joins up several miles to the west with Middle Fork and North Fork to create a river which often floods nearby towns.

There are a lot of small creeks and waterfalls along this road, though most of these dry up during the summer. It was nice to be able to stop and look at all of them since they will all be gone in a few months.

Another shot of the Green Monster sitting on a single lane wood bridge along Tinkham Road. This time of year there are a lot of flowers and plants coming into bloom. Not that the scenery is ever bad to look at, just that this is one of the best times of year to see it.

One of the features that can be found just off Tinkham road is this old railroad bridge. It is no longer used for trains, but is part of the John Wayne Trail system you can walk or ride a bike on. It's nice to see a part of history re-purposed and used instead of being left to rot. Admittedly given this and the sawmill in Preston, the book Atlas Shrugged comes to mind. Abandoned mills and railroads. Who is John Galt?

Sheesh! What does a person have to do to get service around this place?!?! Maybe if I pulled up with the filler on the correct side it would have helped.

After we had our fill of exploring it was time for a trip down to Bonnie Lake where family lives. Taking the back road there is always a nice drive.

Mt Rainier is always present. When the sun comes out, people like to say "The Mountain is out today." Days like this are a pleseant reminder of why we live in this area.

With some fresh salmon in hand we headed off to visit our sister and niece. Awesome afternoon for a BBQ. Perfect end to a perfect day.

Hope you've enjoyed spending the day with us. Be sure to check out our picture gallery of this trip!

Preston Mill, Open Gate, and Tinkham Road Gallery

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