Saturday, May 18, 2013

Rocky Lake, WA (Across Washington Part 2)

Rocky Lake is a small lake and campground near our hometown of Colville, WA. In general it is a quite little lake with a couple of farm houses near by and a few miles of trails you can hike on. It is a great area for a picnic if you don't mind mosquitoes. It's fun to stop and hike around and is very typical of what you find in north eastern Washington. Unlike the central and south parts of the state, there are plenty of trees here and enough rain to keep. It's not too far from civilization.

We woke up earlier than most others in the house that morning, so we took a little side trip to waste some time while we waited for others to wake up.

The Colville Valley is amazingly green in Spring. All of the hay fields and pastures all begin to brighten up from being buried in snow all winter. Just taking in all the views around the area is a lot of fun.

At every lake, stream, puddle, and/or mudpit we happen to see, Emma begins her search on how to get into it and possibly chase critters. Birds and frogs abound, so there was plenty for her to play with. Add to that lots of mud to get into and she was one happy puppy!

After a bit of exploring and letting Emma chase frogs in the mud, we headed back to the family farm and prepared for our intended adventure for the day....


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