Sunday, July 14, 2013

Skate Creek Road

Our good friend Andy let us know about a road that is open during the summer between Packwood, WA and Eatonville, WA named Skate Creek Road. On a sunny summer day, Debbie and I decided to go drive this road and do a little forest service road exploration. We weren't disappointed.

Make the Jump for more pics and story!

Sunny days around here never let us down. People around here don't say "The sun is out", rather they say "The Mountain is out." referring to Mt. Rainier. On days like today it is almost always in view and always inspiring.

Skate creek road is a paved road running along Skate Creek. There are a number of campgrounds along the way, as well as a multitude of forest service roads you can also explore.

Not all of these side roads are suitable for cars. This road wasn't washed out and is maintained. This is normal. It costs less money to let the stream run it's natural course than it is to put in a culvert and put the road over it. The bonus is that it means there will be less people.

One ridge away from Mt Rainier. It may seem like Mt Rainier is a good landmark, but the reality is that it is so imposing, it is always in your view. The local tribes called it Tahoma the wondering mountain because it seemed to follow you.

The mosquitoes in full attack mode and swarming very hard while we were here. That didn't stop Debbie from taking this amazing panorama shot. The bugs were so bad, that even Emma didn't want to get out of the Jeep.

Once last shot of a meadow where you can see just the top of the mountain.

We've got a few more pics of this day. For the most part it was uneventful, but relaxing.

Hope you enjoy!
Skate Creek Road Pictures

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