Saturday, June 29, 2013

Trip to Deception Pass

When talking about passes in Washington State, most of the time you are referring to one of the many mountain passes. Deception Pass on the other hand is a waterway. It is a very narrow canyon in which water flows into and out of as the ocean tide comes in and goes out. Located at the north end of Whidbey Island and is what separates Whidbey from Fidalgo Island in the Puget Sound.

Make the jump for more pics and story.

The quick way to get to Deception Pass is to take I-5 north to Highway 20, then go west on 20 until you reach Deception Pass Park.

But there is a much more entertaining way to go, although, it does take a good deal more time, and costs a good bit more money.

Three ferry rides from Seattle to Whidbey Island going north on Highway 20.

Each ride on the Ferry costs money. There is always a wait time to get on the boat, and time spent on the boat itself. But despite that, this gives you a chance to see some of the coast line.

It's nice to be able to kick back on deck to enjoy the sun and the salt air.

Deception Pass State park is a fee area. This means that you either need a Discovery Pass you can purchase for the year at a sporting good store, or you pay a per-person fee when entering the park.

This was Emma's first time encountering waves at the beach. Her herding instincts kicked into overdrive and she spent most of her time trying to chase the waves back out. Barking, and nipping at them. She wore herself out doing this, but her tail was wagging the entire time.

The water which flows through the pass is what gives this area it's name. As the tide comes in the water is forced through a very small area where it speeds up and begins to generate rapids and very strong undercurrents. It begins to flow one direction on the outside edges and another down the middle. This is reversed and repeated with the tide again retreats. How fast the water is flowing is very deceptive.

We finished up the day wandering around the beach. We headed out to the point at the west, and back again around the rocks on the east end of the beach. Not a bad way to spend a day.

Deception Pass Pictures

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